Sunday, December 26, 2010

10 Weeks

How Far Along: Started week 10 last Friday

Size of baby: the size of a prune

Maternity Clothes: Not yet. But I am saving my birthday/Christmas money. I really need to go soon. I have started pooching out. Im down to two pairs of jeans that fit but are getting more uncomfortable everyday. Still living in yoga pants as soon as I get home. I may try to go this week or next. Maybe we will have a belly picture in the next few weeks.

Gender: I still go back and forth

Movement: Not yet. Still too early.

What I miss: EATING! and not getting sick! I have been getting really frustrated with trying to eat enough but not eat too much and make myself sick. There is a very fine line right now.

Sleep: I have been waking up very early. Usually to run to the potty but have not been able to go back to sleep.

Symptoms: Tired and continue to be more nauseated than the previous weeks. Counting down the weeks until the second trimester. Funny thing I learned this week. When my mom was pregnant with me, she always got sick in the evening/night just like I do.

Cravings: I have been wanting summer foods. I could really go for a fresh home grown tomato on a BLT and a big slice of cold watermelon. I can't find any of this in December. Boo! We did go to the movies this weekend and I ate a ton of popcorn and was so happy I had found something that I loved. However, we had to rush home because it all made me sick so maybe I won't do that again.

Just over a week until we head to the doctor!! Yea!! I'm getting very nervous. Ready to hear the heart beat. I know I feel pregnant and my belly is starting to grow, but I can't wait to see that baby moving all over the ultrasound screen and heart its tiny heart beating.


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